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Six Top Ways to Avoid Falls in the Kitchen

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Six Top Ways to Avoid Falls in the Kitchen

Did you know that falling is the number one cause of accidents for adults aged over 65? And a kitchen is one room where falls commonly occur. Anything from a slick floor to an out-of-reach item can pose a serious fall risk. And especially when your independence is at stake, it’s crucial to take every possible measure to stay safe while preparing a meal. Here are five things you can do to help assess your kitchen’s safety and avoid a fall:

1. Put items you use often within easy reach:
It only takes a single slip from a chair or stool to cause a bone fracture. Rearrange cabinets so that dishes and other items you use frequently are easy to reach. Ensure that all drawers and cabinet drawers open and close easily, too. Always keep these closed when not in use.

2. Forget shiny floors:
Shiny kitchen floors look lovely, but they definitely add a slippery factor. Avoid using floor wax or high gloss polish on areas you’re going to walk on.

3. Wipe up spills right away:
Leaving liquids and greasy or sticky foods on the floor is inviting trouble. Mop these up as soon as you can. If bending down is a problem, purchase a new lightweight sweeper like a Swiffer that uses dry or wet floor sheets to remove sticky stains and food debris.

4. Sit down when you can:
Sit in a sturdy chair instead of standing when you chop or stir foods in preparation for cooking. That will help to prevent you from tiring or losing your balance.

5. Choose footwear carefully:
Walking around stocking-footed or in flimsy slippers is asking for trouble – especially on tile, linoleum or wood floors. Choose shoes or slippers with good support that cover the heel and have skid free soles.

6. Eliminate throw rugs:
If you must keep one rug in front of the sink to catch drips, it should have a non-skid backing and no fringes that could trip you up.

Preventing a fall means preventing an injury. Enlist the help of loved ones to rearrange your cabinets, secure drawers and doors, and make sure your kitchen is well lit – all of which can go a long way to remaining safe and independent. Many falls around the home occur due to vertigo, dizziness and lack of balance. If you live in the Palm Harbor, Florida area and would like to learn more about how our Balance and Fall Prevention Program could help you or a loved one, please call us today at 727-787-7077. Or to schedule a consultation with Neurologist, Dr. Allan Spiegel, MD, simply click here to select a day and time.

Migraine Victims See Promising Results with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

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Does HBOT Improve Migraine Headache Pain?

Medical studies show promising results…

A migraine headache is debilitating. Its victim can feel nauseous or even vomit. In addition, migraine sufferers get profoundly sensitive to light and sound, and may feel like their fingers and toes are freezing. These typical symptoms can send them packing to bed for hours or days at a time. It’s practically unbearable to complete daily tasks or go to work. Unfortunately, those with migraines often find prescription medications provide temporary relief at best. At worst, taking these meds can actually trigger rebound headaches that perpetuate the pain cycle. But now another non-invasive and safe treatment is showing great promise at relieving migraine headaches: hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).

Read more: Migraine Victims See Promising Results with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT):

The first mention of using oxygen therapy to treat migraines was in 1939. At that time, Mr. Charles E. Rhein of Linde Air Products, Co., informed Dr. Francisco Alvarez at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota that he had successfully treated migraine sufferers by having them breathe in pure oxygen at six to eight liters per minute.

In 1940, the intrigued Dr. Alvarez repeated the treatment on 100 headache patients. Using a nasal type of face mask to deliver oxygen at seven liters per minute, the doctor observed that in eight out of every 10 cases, patients got significant pain relief or their headaches subsided entirely. He also noted that treatments achieved the best results in patients who got oxygen therapy during the initial stages of their migraine.

Further studies continued to support Dr. Alvarez’s findings. In 1979, Dr. Lee Kudrow, founder of the California Medical Clinic for Headache in Encino, California began using oxygen therapy to successfully halt cluster migraines. After studying 402 patients, in 1988, Kudrow reported that most cluster headaches occur cyclically in July and January, about one week after the longest and shortest days of the year. Dr. Kudrow also noted that cluster headache periods diminished two weeks following the changes between standard time and daylight savings.

These observations led Dr. Kudrow to conclude that episodic cluster headaches occurred and faded due to changes in a person’s inner biological clock. Switching to daylight or standard time would tamper with circadian rhythms – resulting in low oxygen levels just prior to headache attacks. Circadian rhythms are centered in our hypothalamus, the part of our brains that regulates oxygen levels in the blood. And that could seem to explain why oxygen therapy had worked so effectively for three-quarters of the Dr. Kudrow’s cluster headache study subjects!

Since Kudrow’s research the medical community has conducted many studies comparing the results of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with placebo treatment to determine whether the therapy can relieve migraine symptoms. And the answer is a definite, yes. Studies reveal that large numbers of migraine sufferers get significant pain relief after just 40 minutes in an HBOT chamber. And when people are able to heed the warning signs of an oncoming migraine and seek oxygen therapy in advance, they can successfully avoid migraine attacks altogether.

How does HBOT provide migraine headache relief?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy works by administering 100% oxygen at higher than normal air pressures, while you sit or lie comfortably in an enclosed chamber. Migraines can occur, in part, because brain blood vessels have swollen. HBOT’s oxygen-rich environment helps to bring down that swelling and make pain go away. Although HBOT won’t prevent headaches or reduce their frequency, many patients who come in for treatment during the midst of a migraine have found that it stops pain completely.

If you suffer from migraines or frequent headaches and would like to learn more about how HBOT may help reduce your pain, please contact us today. In cases where HBOT is not covered by insurance, we will explain your options. To schedule a headache assessment, simply click here or call 727-787-7077.

5 Easy Tips to Keep Your Spine in Good Health

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5 Easy Tips to Keep Your Spine in Good Health

Your spine and its muscles provide major support for the rest of your body. Using these five easy tips will help to protect your hard-working spine and keep it in good working order.

1. Give your spine ample support as you sleep

When you go to bed at night, that spine that has worked hard all day finally gets a chance to relax and rejuvenate. To benefit most from this resting time, your mattress and pillows should comfortably support the spine. We all tend to sleep in different positions, and our back or neck problems can differ widely. There is no one mattress that neurologists or chiropractors universally recommend. It’s best to try a variety until you find one that offers the best support for your particular condition, whilst lying in the sleeping position you prefer.

2. Keep your core muscles strong

In order to remain strong and supple enough to support your spine and ease pressure on your lower back, your core muscles need specific, targeted exercises. Our everyday activities rarely exercise the core – especially if we have sedentary jobs! But there’s no need to go to the gym to get a great core workout. Simply searching “no equipment core workout” in Google or YouTube will bring up plenty of abdomen-strengthening exercises that you can do at home. Try to get in at least 5-8 minutes per day. (If you have had a back injury, don’t commence any exercise program before consulting a medical specialist.)

3. Wear well-fitted, supportive shoes

When we walk, whether for exercise or just to get from point A to point B, good shoes play a critical role in supporting our lower backs and keeping them well aligned. For instance, the part of the shoe behind your heel should fit snugly, but not overly tight. This is because a good fit around the heels prevents our feet from rolling to the inside or outside. If you need further balance or support, consider using shoe inserts or orthotic devices.

4. Get a massage

Massages have therapeutic benefits beyond relieving stress. Enjoying a good massage helps to increase endorphins –feel good brain chemicals – in the blood stream. Encouraging these natural pain killers could allow you to reduce the need for pain meds. Massages also get the blood flowing, which brings vital nutrients to the spine area in order to speed healing.

5. Practice good seated posture – and limit your sitting time

When we’re seated, our lower spines take on three times the load that they do when we’re standing. So, sitting for long periods of time makes us more likely to contract or aggravate back pains. Slouching or leaning forward, as we tend to while working on a computer, can stress our lumbar discs still more. That means it’s important to use chairs that properly support our backs’ natural curves and also to practice good posture while sitting down.

To remain healthy, our spines need to move. Whether at work or at home, it’s important to take breaks from being seated. Every 20 minutes to half hour, get up to stretch and walk around. Your spine will thank you for it!

If you’re in the Palm Harbor, Florida area and are suffering from back pain, our Pain Relief Program at Neurological Solutions can help to non-surgically relieve your pain and restore spinal function. Neurologist Allan Spiegel, M.D. offers personalized assessments to see whether Physical Therapy or other effective treatments could be right for you. To schedule an appointment, simply click here or call 727-787-7077.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Stroke Recovery…

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Strokes: Learn How to Tell if You’re Having One, What Puts You at Risk, and how HBOT Can Help You Recover

As part of an integrative approach, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can significantly improve daily living for people who have suffered a stroke. This blog post will explain how. But first we’d like to explain what exactly a stroke is, how to tell if you’re having one, and what factors put you at risk. Knowing these could prevent you or a loved one from ever needing treatment!

Read more: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Stroke Recovery

What Is a Stroke?

In order to function well, the brain requires a constant flow of oxygen that the bloodstream provides. Strokes happen when blood and oxygen to the brain get suddenly cut off. When blood to the brain is obstructed, the stroke is called ischemic. When the stroke occurs from a ruptured weakened blood vessel, we refer to it as hemorrhagic. Either way, brain injuries quickly follow.

Such damage to the brain can change the course of a stroke victim’s life significantly. He or she may face long term weakness, numbness or paralysis on one side of the body. The person may lose their ability speak clearly – or at all. Thinking and judgment may become impaired. Many stroke victims also face depression and other emotional troubles. But when stroke victims get help quickly, they can have vastly better outcomes than they might otherwise. Every second counts. That’s why it’s so important to recognize signs in yourself and others so you can call 911 right away!

Signs of Stroke

Here are signs of stroke that the American Heart Association lists on its website:

  • Numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body
  • Confusion, trouble speaking, or difficulty understanding
  • Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  • Trouble walking, dizziness, or loss of balance and coordination
  • Severe headache with no known cause

How Could I Lower My Risk of Getting a Stroke?

You have limited control over some factors, such as having a family history of strokes. But making the following lifestyle choices can significantly lower your stroke risk:

Don’t Take Up Smoking – or Quit if You Already Do

One in five strokes in the U.S. is linked to regularly smoking cigarettes. How? Smoking leads to plaque buildup in your arteries and also increases the risk of developing blood clots. This provides ideal conditions for a stroke to occur. The arteries leading to your brain are particularly vulnerable to the damage that smoking causes.

Keep Blood Pressure Under Control

High blood pressure is known as the silent killer for a good reason. It has no noticeable symptoms, so people with it often go undiagnosed. But according to the US Centers for Disease Control, over half of all stroke deaths worldwide occur from elevated blood pressure levels, which is the most powerful and consistent risk factor for stroke. Have your blood pressure checked routinely, and if your doctor prescribes medicine for high blood pressure, make sure to take it faithfully.

Get Regular Exercise

People who exercise moderately intensely at least 2 hours and 30 minutes weekly lower their risk for many diseases, including strokes. Walk briskly, swim, jog, cycle, get out to the gym. Your blood pressure will improve, as will your cholesterol and stress levels. You’ll also get stronger, sleep better and feel more energized.

Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet

Reducing table salt will help to keep blood pressure down. Eating foods that are high in fiber and low in saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol can help prevent the high cholesterol that can cause plaque buildup. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies. Don’t drink soda or other sugary drinks, and limit alcohol intake to one drink a day for women and two for men. Avoid processed or prepared foods that often are laden with salt, nitrates and preservatives.

Maintain a Healthy Weight
Being overweight or obese increases your stroke risk. You don’t need to be thin to avoid a stroke. Just losing five to ten percent of your current weight will help to get cholesterol levels down and lower your blood pressure.

How Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Help Stroke Victims?

Dr. Spiegel discovered hyperbaric oxygen therapy while researching therapies that could help a family member who had suffered a stroke. He saw firsthand how much the therapy helped and became very excited about HBOT’s healing potential for stroke victims, as part of a multi-pronged approach to treatment.

HBOT improves blood flow to a stroke patient’s damaged brain tissues. During the therapy, we use pure oxygen at higher than normal atmospheric pressure to flood the brain, helping to reduce swelling. Throughout the treatments new blood vessels begin to form, bringing vital nutrition to the damaged brain areas in order to help them begin healing. In many cases function is also improved or restored.

After 31 years of practicing neurology and 14 years of providing HBOT in our Palm Harbor, FL clinic, Dr. Spiegel has seen the lives of stroke patients improve dramatically. If you would like an assessment to determine whether you or a loved one would benefit from hyperbaric oxygen treatments, please click here to schedule an appointment online. Otherwise, call 727-787-7077, and we will be glad to help you.

Stop Chronic Pain with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Centers Offer Effective, Natural Pain Relief for RSD and other Chronic Pains

Most people can only imagine the suffering that those with chronic pain and reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSD) go through. Having constant debilitating pain doesn’t just mean giving up favorite activities and job security, though. Those with RSD also face having routine shots and taking addictive pain medications on a daily basis. Many will have hundreds of injections, and still not get over their pain permanently. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Unfortunately, despite amazing results that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) treatment centers worldwide have produced for those with carbon monoxide poisoning, burns and foot ulcers, many people still have not heard about HBOT’s success with stopping chronic pain in its tracks.

Read more: Stop Chronic Pain with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Despite the amazing results Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Centers have produced worldwide, many people are not aware of how beneficial HBOT can be for treating RSD Syndrome and chronic pain. And perhaps that’s not surprising, considering that the value of hyperbaric oxygen therapy seems to be a well-kept medical secret here in the United States. And even though many top U.S. hospitals use HBOT to successfully treat wounds and decompression illness, many people have never read how successfully it can heal a wide range of debilitating conditions like chronic pain……

So why is that?

Here in the U.S., we tend to look upon ourselves as leaders in medical care. Clearly, this isn’t true in the area of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved its use for 17 conditions, including acute cerebral edema and sudden onset hearing loss. The FDA is dragging its feet on clearing it for other health conditions. But centers in Russia and other countries successfully use HBOT to treat as many as 74 conditions, including PTSD, multiple sclerosis, stroke and chronic pain!

After 31 years practicing neurology and 14 years of providing HBOT in our Palm Harbor, FL Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Center, Dr. Spiegel has seen the pain of RSD sufferers improve dramatically.

Here’s how it works…
During an HBOT session, a patient sits or lies comfortably in a pressurized chamber, and breathes in 100% oxygen. The person can relax, breathe normally, and even listen to music or watch television to help pass the time. Saturation levels of oxygen in blood and tissues increase 10 to 20 times while in the chamber. As oxygen floods their bloodstream, painful swelling goes down and healing begins to occur.

After completing several HBOT sessions, patients show increased strength. They also say they sleep better, think more clearly, feel less depressed, and are able to return to their normal daily routines. Now that’s a good reason for those with RSD and other chronic pain to celebrate!If you suffer from RSD or other chronic pain and want to learn how HBOT could benefit you, please contact us at 727-787-7007. To schedule a personalized hyperbaric oxygen therapy consultation with Dr. Spiegel, simply click here. Someone from our helpful office staff will call to confirm your appointment.

Hyperbaric Therapy for Diabetic Wounds

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Diabetic Wounds Show Clear Cut Improvements with Hyperbaric Therapy

Wounds that don’t heal well can present a very real danger for those with diabetes. They happen when small blood vessels, usually in the hands and feet, grow narrow and begin cutting off blood circulation. When the affected area doesn’t get enough oxygen to provide vital nutrients, nerves and tissues begin to break down. Bacteria flourishes and healing fails to occur.

Diabetic wounds can cause pain, but surprisingly often they don’t hurt at all. That’s because the damaged nerves fail to register pain, temperature and touch. When that happens sufferers can be especially prone to injuring themselves. Each year, between 12 and 24 percent of all diabetic foot wounds end up with foot, toe or leg amputation. So how important do you think it is to speed the healing process?

Hyperbaric therapy has been used for well over 35 years to successfully heal diabetic wounds. Here’s how it works…

Read more: Diabetic Wounds Show Clear Cut Improvements with Hyperbaric Therapy

During AMA and FDA approved hyperbaric oxygen therapy, patients lie comfortably in an enclosed pressurized chamber, where they are bathed in pure oxygen. The patients can relax, breathe normally, and even listen to music or watch television. Breathing in this high oxygen concentration during a session brings vital nutrients to a diabetic ulcer, so that cells regenerate and new blood vessels form. This permits wounds to heal over much faster than they might otherwise. One HBOT study found that 89% of patients who had hyperbaric therapy avoided amputation after developing ulcers.

Yes, hyperbaric therapy helps accelerate the healing process in those with diabetic wounds, but it can also lead to better quality of life. Here are some other benefits that diabetic patients report:

  • More stable blood sugar levels
  • Improved skin and gums
  • Better kidney and bladder function
  • Increased sex drive
  • Better memory
  • Improvement in energy

The other good news is that major insurance companies, including Medicare, cover hyperbaric therapy for non-healing wounds, when certain conditions are met.
To learn more about the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for diabetic wounds, please contact Neurological Solutions today by calling 727-787-7077 or reach out to us online. Dr. Allan Spiegel offers a personalized assessment to determine if you would benefit from hyperbaric oxygen treatments and whether you could qualify for insurance payments.

Finding Relief from RSD Pain in the Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

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Finding Relief from RSD Pain in the Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Debilitating pain and burning sensations continuously gnaws at those suffering from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). Understandably, its victims frequently need to rely on narcotic pain medications and injections in order to get through their day. Even then, sadly, their pain and other symptoms often persist or get worse.

If you or someone you love is suffering from RSD, you know that traditional treatment methods like taking opioids only adds to the pain. But now there is a gentler and more effective option: the hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chamber.

If you suffer from RSD and would like to learn if HBOT could benefit you, please contact Neurological Solutions at 727-787-7077 or click here to schedule a personalized hyperbaric oxygen therapy consultation with Dr. Allan Spiegel.

Read more: Finding Relief from RSD Pain in the Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

RSD symptoms of all kinds can feel literally crushing. In addition to acute or throbbing pain in the affected area, sufferers also face migraines, muscle spasms, pains from infection, and many other life-changing symptoms that get worse with time.

Doctors don’t yet fully understand what causes RSD, though many think that it could result from damage to the small blood vessels that supply oxygen to the muscle cells. Frequently RSD begins as a complication following a trauma or injury.

RSD sufferers struggle to find ways of coping with the pain. Treatment in a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber effectively supplements medications. The treatment even enables some patients to discontinue shots and addictive pain meds altogether! In addition, some RSD patients say that their pain and other symptoms ease considerably with just a few sessions in the HBOT chamber.

How Does an HBOT Chamber Work?

In short, HBOT helps to break the pain cycle. The swelling from RSD makes cells less able to take in nutrients. With the therapy oxygen floods into the patient’s bloodstream to provide vital nutrients. Swelling in the impacted area goes down and healing starts to occur.

During a session a patient lies in a comfortable sealed chamber and breathes 100% oxygen at pressures equivalent to being 16, 24 or 33 feet under water. Treatments usually begin at lower pressures and gradually increase, as the RSD sufferer finds the pressure they respond to best. Patients can also listen to music or watch television to help the time pass. Following treatments, those suffering from RSD pain say they have higher energy levels, less pain and swelling, less brain fog, and a feeling of optimism. And that’s really good news for those who once thought their pain could never go away.

If you suffer from RSD and want to learn how HBOT chamber treatments could improve your pain, please contact us at 727-787-7077 to schedule a personalized hyperbaric oxygen therapy consultation with Neurologist Dr. Allan Spiegel, MD

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helps Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Patients Find Relief

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helps Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Patients Find Relief

Also known as dead jaw, Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) happens when someone has an exposed and blood starved jaw bone. Without treatment, the condition can be permanently disfiguring. In worst cases, ONJ can even threaten lives. Symptoms include loose teeth, draining pus, numbness or heaviness in the jaw, a foul taste in the mouth, and red, swollen gums.

Osteonecrosis of the Jaw frequently causes agonizing pain for those who suffer with it. But now many patients are able to find relief and begin healing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).

If you have these difficult symptoms and would like to learn if HBOT could help you recover, Dr. Allan Spiegel, MD at Neurological Solutions can offer you a personalized consultation. To schedule an appointment call 727-787-7077.

Read More: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helps Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Patients Find Relief

Often, people first get ONJ after they’ve had a tooth pulled or other extensive dental surgery, such as a root canal.Especially when performed improperly, dental procedures can leave serious toxins in place that begin to break down teeth and gums. Yikes! And to make matters worse, small holes or lesions in the jaw can be invisible to x-ray. Luckily, ultra-sound can help oral surgeons pick up areas of dying or dead tissue.

People can get Osteonecrosis of the Jaw following radiation and other cancer treatments. It can also occur from taking steroids, getting a herpes or bone infection, or taking a medication for osteoporosis to slow down bone loss, such as Zometa or Fosamax.

Unfortunately, ONJ won’t improve with good oral hygiene. No amount of tooth brushing or flossing will help. Patients with ONJ can develop a hole in their jaw, or even find that bone breaks through the gums. Needless to say, ONJ can seriously impact a person’s ability to eat or even to talk. But one thing’s for sure – the effects of having the disease can feel frightening, painful and life changing.

The Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of ONJ:

During hyperbaric oxygen therapy, patients sit or lie comfortably in an enclosed chamber. HBOT works by flooding the body with pure oxygen at higher than normal air pressures. This super-charged oxygen level brings vital nutrients to the jaw area, regenerating cells and beginning the formation of new blood vessels. It heals up the wound and stops further mouth tissue decay. ONJ patients often report that their pain subsides or even goes away completely after a course of treatment.

If you suffer from ONJ and would like to learn if hyperbaric oxygen therapy, together with other treatments, could help to ease your pain and begin healing, Dr. Allan Spiegel, MD at Neurological Solutions can offer you assistance. To schedule an appointment, click here now or call 727-787-7077.

Suffering from One of These 5 Less Common Types of Migraine?

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Suffering from One of these 5 Less Common Types of Migraine?

Most people have heard about the two major types of migraines, even if they are lucky enough to never experience them. But did you know how important it is to know exactly which type of migraine you get? Each one could require a very different treatment. Taking the wrong medication for a migraine with aura could actually be dangerous, for example. And surprisingly, 60 percent of women and 70 percent of men who get migraines don’t get diagnosed correctly. To complicate matters, it’s possible that your migraines don’t fit neatly into one type.Still, recognizing symptoms of these five less common types of migraine could tip you off that it’s time to see a qualified neurologist. Which type of migraine do you get?

If you are unsure of which migraine type you suffer from and would like a personalized assessment with Dr. Allan Spiegel, MD at our Palm Harbor, Florida center, call 727-787-7077.

Read More: Suffering from One of these 5 Less Common Types of Migraine?

For those who don’t know, these are the two major types of migraine:

  • Migraine Without Aura. If you get this most common migraine type, you feel moderate to severe pulsating head pain that often comes on without warning. This could occur on just one side of your head. You might also feel queasy, confused or fatigued, and your vision could get blurry. Lights, sounds and smells can seem unbearable. Moving around tends to make your symptoms worse. Your attacks could last anywhere from four to 72 hours, and you could get them a few times a year – or as often as a few times per week. It’s important to know that frequently taking pain meds for Migraine Without Aura can make your symptoms worsen over time.
  • Migraine with Aura. If you suffer from this migraine type, seeing flashes of light, wavy lines or dots signals that a migraine headache could hit you in anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.(Or it’s possible you could see the aura and not get a headache.) You may also experience partial or total loss of vision. Less commonly, you could feel numbness, muscle weakness or other odd sensations on one side of your body. Your hands or face could tingle. You might feel nauseous, confused or tired and have difficulty speaking. Lights, sounds and smells could also bother you.

Here are the 5 more unusual and rare forms of migraine…

1. Migraine without Headache (Also called Typical Aura without Headache) With this type of migraine you get aura symptoms – blind spots or zig-zags in your vision field, wavy lines or bright halos. You could also feel light-headed and nauseous. You may hear, see or
smell things that others don’t. You may also have constipation or diarrhea. But you don’t get head pain.

2. Migraine with Brainstem Aura If you are teenaged girl you are more likely than others to get this rarer type of migraine with auras that originate in the brainstem (also called basilar migraine). It may come on with your period. Your symptoms could include losing sensation on one side of your body or feeling pins and needles. Your speech may be slurred, and you get throbbing pain in the back of your head. Concentrating is next to impossible. People may say that you’re acting drunk. Although your attacks can last for several hours, you can feel dizzy and numb for much longer. And you can lose your sense of balance, too. Children and young adults also get these migraines.

3. Hemiplegic Migraine This crippling, rare form of migraine can run in families. You may get paralyzed on one side of your body for up to several days before the headache hits, or even during the headache. You may feel dizzy or light-headed, get prickling sensations in your skin and have trouble speaking or swallowing. You can also get blurred vision or see auras

4. Retinal (Ocular) Migraine If you get this form of migraine, you experience auras in only one eye. Your vision could get blurry in that eye or it could even become temporarily blind. You could see stars or zig-zags or shimmery lights. Objects may look like they have glitter or a halo around them. Your symptoms last only a few minutes or for up to a half hour.

5. Chronic Migraine You get headaches for at least 15 days each month, at least 8 of which are migraines. You may or may not experience auras with these. Your symptoms are often crippling and you will likely need to control these with preventative medication and special exercises that a qualified doctor prescribes.

Whichever type of migraine you experience, it’s important to get properly diagnosed so you get the right treatment for you.

At our Palm Harbor, Florida center, neurologist Dr. Allan Spiegel, MD has seen patients with every type of migraine and uses state-of-the-art equipment to make an accurate diagnosis. With our center’s integrative approach, you could medically qualify for a variety of treatments that bring many patients lasting headache relief. To schedule a migraine assessment, simply click here or call 727-787-7077.

HBOT Restores Sharper Vision to Macular Degeneration Patients

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HBOT Restores Sharper Vision to Macular Degeneration Patients

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is caused by deterioration of the retina’s central area. The disease can lead to blurred and wavy vision, and even blindness in late stages. Up to 11 million U.S. residents have been diagnosed with macular degeneration, which causes blindness more often than cataracts and glaucoma combined. AMD sufferers live with uncertainty and a lowered quality of life. But if you or someone you know has macular degeneration, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) treatments are providing new hope and clearer vision.

AMA and FDA approved HBOT is frequently successful in improving vision acuity for those diagnosed with Age Related Macular Degeneration. If you’d like to know if treatment at our Palm Harbor, Florida Center could improve your quality of life or that of a loved one, neurologist Dr. Allan Spiegel would be glad to offer you a personalized evaluation. To schedule an appointment, call 727-787-7077.

Read more: HBOT Restores Sharper Vision to Macular Degeneration Sufferers.

HBOT Therapy: A Promising Approach to Improving AMD Vision Loss

People who suffer from age related macular degeneration find their central vision slowly declining. Their surroundings begin to seem blurry or wavy. They develop blind spots in the center of their eyes, and, sadly, can even go gradually blind. Imagine living every day with that kind of uncertainty and losing your ability to drive, read or do other things that allow you to live independently!

AMD occurs in the macula at the center of the retina – the black inner layer of our eyeball that records what we see. People with damaged maculas have a hard time recognizing faces and seeing fine details. So adding HBOT’s power to other existing therapies can really improve life quality for someone with the devastating eye disease.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy works by administering 100% oxygen at higher than normal air pressures, while you sit or lie comfortably in an enclosed chamber. The macula declines, in part, because its neurons are starved of oxygen. HBOT’s oxygen-rich environment helps to promote healing and regenerate the cells in the eye. And results for those with AMD have shown great promise. After the non-invasive and safe treatment, some sufferers have doubled or even quadrupled their vision acuity. And that goes a long way toward helping those with macular degeneration maintain their independence!

If you would like to learn whether hyperbaric oxygen therapy at our Palm Harbor, Florida center could help with your macular degeneration or that of a loved one, please call us at 727-787-7077 and we will gladly answer your questions. To schedule a hyperbaric oxygen therapy consultation with
neurologist Dr. Allan Spiegel, MD, simply click here. A member of our helpful staff will call to confirm your appointment soon.